University of Pécs
Medical School

Institute of Physiology

Student Researchers' Society Topics

  1. A quest by electrophysiology for an ancient colour vision system
    Supervisor: BUZÁS, Péter, associate professor
    Co-supervisor: Dr. KÓBOR, Péter, senior lecturer

  2. Artificial intelligence in visual electrophysiology
    Supervisor: JANDÓ, Gábor, associate professor
    Co-supervisor: RADÓ, János, postdoctoral fellow

  3. Binocular visual evoked potentials
    Supervisor: JANDÓ, Gábor, associate professor
    Co-supervisor: Dr. BUZÁS, Péter, associate professor

  4. Colour and luminance in stereoscopic vision
    Supervisor: BUZÁS, Péter, associate professor
    Co-supervisor: Dr. JANDÓ, Gábor, associate professor

  5. Discovery of corticogeniculate feedback mechanisms in the visual system
    Supervisor: KÓBOR, Péter, senior lecturer
    Co-supervisor: Dr. BUZÁS, Péter, associate professor

  6. Discovery of retinal neuron networks
    Supervisor: BUZÁS, Péter, associate professor
    Co-supervisor: Dr. BUZÁSNÉ, Telkes Ildikó, senior lecturer

  7. Forebrain taste information processing and the central feeding control
    Supervisor: KARÁDI, Zoltán, full professor

  8. Investigating of non-classical estrogen action in the brain
    Supervisor: ÁBRAHÁM, István, full professor

  9. Investigation of 3D vision with EEG and fMRI methods
    Supervisor: JANDÓ, Gábor, associate professor
    Co-supervisor: Dr. FÜLÖP, Diána, postdoctoral fellow

  10. Investigation of visual short term memory using psychophysical, EEG and fMRI methods
    Supervisor: CZIGER-NEMES, Vanda, senior lecturer
    Co-supervisor: Dr. JANDÓ, Gábor, associate professor

  11. Neurophysiology of parallel processing mechanisms in stereoscopic vision in humans
    Supervisor: JANDÓ, Gábor, associate professor
    Co-supervisor: Dr. CZIGER-NEMES, Vanda, senior lecturer

  12. Physiology of yoga
    Supervisor: CZIGER-NEMES, Vanda, senior lecturer
    Co-supervisor: Dr. GŐCZE, Katalin, senior lecturer

  13. Psychophysical and neuroimaging methods in eye ophthalmological diseases
    Supervisor: JANDÓ, Gábor, associate professor
    Co-supervisor: Dr. CZIGER-NEMES, Vanda, senior lecturer

  14. Single neuron recordings in the forebrain of the rat and rhesus monkey
    Supervisor: KARÁDI, Zoltán, full professor
    Co-supervisor: Dr. SZABÓ, István, assistant professor

  15. The forebrain glucose-monitoring neural network and the central regulation of homeostasis
    Supervisor: KARÁDI, Zoltán, full professor

  16. Vision in aging and neurodegenerative diseases
    Supervisor: CZIGER-NEMES, Vanda, senior lecturer
    Co-supervisor: Dr. JANDÓ, Gábor, associate professor